Tuesday, November 9, 2021

October 2021: +4.5k Passive Income

October has been the most impressive month in terms of passive portfolio growth in my investment career. These numbers are hard to grasp but if we take into account the slightly sideways and downward moving September, it softens the curve a little.

There have been so many IPO-s lately and after a little bit of a regret about missing out on IuteCredit IPO, I did some research and came to the conclusion to join Enefit Green IPO. So far I am satisfied and even a little bit surprised by how the stock has been doing on the market (close to +30% growth compared to the IPO price). I am not yet convinced that I will be holding it for a long time but also not in a rush to sell it.

My contribution to Kasvukonto (Growth Account) was also a bit bigger than usual since I tripled the first week contribution (+600 ) before the markets started going up at an impressive rate. Following are the usual numbers without Mintos screenshot as I failed to capture it at the right moment:

Portfolio distribution - 91 287.41 € (+5 632.91 €)

Accumulated passive income 17 070.77 € (+4 542.69 €)

Networth 213 795.78 € (+2.81%)

Real estate: 114 000.00 € (0.00%)
Entirely in my apartment which is paid off since February of 2020. No changes here.

Rainy Day Fund: 10 000.00 € (0.00%)
This money is for when life should surprise me.

Pension: 36 514.66 € (+8.56%)
Estonian pension system II pillar (21 914.61 €) and III pillar (14 600.05 €), maxed out contributions at 15% of gross income.

Cash: 13 433.96 €
Free resources for investing and other things.

Crowd funding: 8 508.37 € (+4.47%)
Entirely invested in Mintos. Added +300  last month.

Stocks: 8 422.30 € (+45.24%)
One of my first investments that is pretty evenly split between Tallinna Kaubamaja (TKM1T) and Tallinna Sadam (TSM1T) - my small dividend income providers. Added Enefit Green (EGR1T) in October 2021.

Index funds: 22 916.49 € (+12.01%)
I am using LHV kasvukonto product to invest in index funds (100% SXR8). Added +1400 € last month.

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