Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Treasure Chest Overview - August 2021

August was so far the best month in my investment "career" in terms of passive income (+1 640.39 €). If all months would be like that for a ~85k portfolio, one could really get spoiled. I will keep my emotions in the background though and feet on the ground. Let's just consider the month of August a delicious appetizer for what should come when I keep doing what I have been doing so far.

I have a lot of ideas popping up in my mind as time goes by. I started listening to the Estonian kinnisvarajutud podcast which covers probably all topics regarding real estate investments - selling, buying, renting and everything else that comes with it. If you happen to know Estonian, here is a link to it: Kinnisvarajutud (or search for it in any of the podcast streaming apps). I have not included real estate into my portfolio yet but once it grows more, it seems an exciting, and - based on viewing other financial freedom blogs - a logical step forward.

Another topic that is starting to come more into my thought sphere is investing from under a company. I would, for example, save at least 140€ a year in delayed taxes from P2P lending alone. I am just a little bit scared of making this step due to a lot of uncertainty. I will set it as a goal to figure out all the details by 2022 and start the new year by creating an investment company.  

But enough chit-chat, here are the numbers:

Portfolio distribution - 86 436.60 € (+2 465.02 €)

Accumulated passive income 13 735.07 € (+1 640.39 €)

Networth 208 199.79 € (+1.36%)

Real estate: 114 000.00 € (0.00%)
Entirely in my apartment which is paid off since February of 2020. No changes here.

Rainy Day Fund: 10 000.00 € (0.00%)
This money is for when life should surprise me.

Pension: 33 406.33 € (+3.28%)
Estonian pension system II pillar (20 917.14 €) and III pillar (12 489.19 €), maxed out contributions at 15% of gross income.

Cash: 19 866.39 € (-1.90%)
Free resources for investing and other things.

Crowd funding: 7 763.17 € (+4.70%)
Entirely invested in Mintos. Added +300  last month.

Stocks: 4 904.20 € (+7.68%)
One of my first investments that is pretty evenly split between Tallinna Kaubamaja (TKM1) and Tallinna Sadam (TSM1) - my small dividend income providers.

Index funds: 18 259.0 € (+7.57%)
I am using LHV kasvukonto product to do invest in index funds (100% SXR8). Added +1000 € last month.

Crowd funding is probably one of the more fun ways of investing as something is happening every day: new investments, new interest cents and euros. Current state of my portfolio there:

Thank you for reading and we will cross paths again in a month if not sooner! 🍻