It is probably one of the first months in a while when my net worth actually decreased but I am not feeling bad about it. I invested in myself and my health so i could enjoy life more in the upcoming years. The good thing about automatic investing is that the investment portfolio itself keeps growing given a large enough cash buffer.
This is the first time I introduced changes in percentages in all categories to better visualize changes compared to last month:
Total networth: 203 612.93 € (-0.28%)
Real estate: 114 000.00 € (0.00%)
The biggest proportion of my wealth is still invested in the apartment I bought myself in the summer of 2017. It was appraised at 114 000 € back then.
Pension: 30 344.39 € (+3.74%)
My pension consists of Estonian II pillar (19 440.66 €) and III pillar (10 903.73 €). Both have monthly automatic contribution directly from my salary and I max out my III pillar contributions at 15% of gross income.
Cash: 33 848.17 € (-9.42%)
I have a separate account for rainy days which is still a healthy 10 000 €. I am considering halving it to 5 000 € but it is a process as I need to get used to the idea of not having that much liquid assets to use in case life hits me in the face. The rest of this money is my savings/every day money that I either use or invest if there is too much of it laying round.
Crowd funding: 6 989.38 € (+4.93%)
Entirely invested in Mintos. Adding 300 € to the account every month in an automated fashion. For a graphical overview check the end of this post.
Stocks: 4 323.41 € (+1.84%)
One of my first investments that is pretty evenly split between Tallinna Kaubamaja (TKM1) and Tallinna Sadam (TSM1). I plan on keeping these two for a long time having them as my small dividend income providers. Reinvested the dividends iI got from TKM1 (131.06 €) in April back into the stock at 9.28 € per share and increased my shares by 14 from 229 to 243.
Mutual funds: 14 107.58 € (+8.12%)
Currently I am passively contributing 800 € every month to mutual funds. I am using LHV kasvukonto product to do it. In the first stage I am investing 100% of it into EXSA. This time I used some market lows and increased weekly contributions two times to 600 € bringing this month total up to 1600 € not taking into account any of the fund changes.